End With a Bang?
Most public speaking classes or books will tell you that you should end your sermon with a bang! Give them a memorable story that leaves them on a high note. Or at a minimum, summarize your points and end with a quick prayer! Sound familiar? But, could there be a more effective way to conclude your sermon? I believe there is and it’s simple!
The Secret to a Life-Changing Sermon
You may be able to preach an interesting sermon, an entertaining sermon, or even a memorable sermon. But, to preach a message that is life-changing can be a very different experience. Did you know that by applying two simple steps you can start preaching life-changing sermons next Sunday?
The Power of an Illustration
Do your sermons fall flat or lack excitement? Does your 30-minute message feel like 2 hours? Learn how to effectively use an illustration to make your sermons come alive!
The Bunny Trail Trap!
Bunny trails can be the death blow to any sermon! You could have a strong outline, powerful illustrations, and deep truths, but if you take unnecessary theological bunny trails, you will end leaving your audience dazed and confused. There are two important steps you can take to avoid this dangerous trap…
Creating a Home Run Sermon
Every Pastor wants to preach a great sermon! Right? We hope that after a week of study and sermon preparation, our sermons will have a lasting impact on the lives of those who hear them. Unfortunately, every Pastor also knows the sinking feeling when this doesn’t happen. It’s those times when your sermon is a swing and a miss, and you want to disappear midway through. How can you ensure your sermons are going to be a home run and not a strikeout? The secret is in the outline!
How to Avoid Boring Your Congregation
Every Lead Pastor would tell you their primary role in leading a church is to preach! In fact, the quality of preaching is often the primary reason people decide to attend a church or not. Therefore, it behooves every Lead Pastor to continue to grow and fine-tune their preaching skills. One of the worse things a Lead Pastor can do to their congregation is to become stagnant and boring. So what are some ways a Pastor can improve their preaching skills?
How to Ensure a Smooth Transition at Your Next Church
If you are stepping into a new pastoral role at a local congregation, you are about to step into a process that can either go well or end with a lot of hurt and conflict. The key to success will be your ability to transition leadership in a spiritually healthy way. All it takes is 3 simple steps to avoid division within your church…
Is Your Pastorate at Risk?
Unfortunately, pastoral failure is a common occurrence in today’s churches. We’ve all heard about the scandals and the host of reasons why a pastor must step down. But the real question… Is your pastorate at risk?
Why Pastors Are Leaving Ministry
The Francis Schaeffer Institute of Church Leadership Development reports that 35-40% of all pastors leave the ministry within 5 years. If God is calling someone to full-time ministry, why are they leaving?